1.Personal Details

We'll need these details in order to be able to contact you.

2. Profile
Résumé / CV
Accepted file formats are .pdf and .docx
Diversity and Inclusion
London Youth is committed to implementing equity, fairness, and equality in all its work.

In an effort to promote equal opportunities and reinforce hiring practices at London Youth, we have included below some demographic questions.

The following data fields are entirely optional.  They help London Youth understand how we are succeeding in attracting diverse candidates.  This information is held separate to the recruitment process and will not affect your application. 

The data is also anonymised for monitoring purposes.

We are not planning to transfer your data outside the European Union. Our full Recruitment Privacy Notice details how we use data provided on this form. London Youth’s Privacy Statement gives you information about how London Youth handles all data.  

4. Submit Application

In order to contact you with future jobs that you may be interested in, we need to store your personal data.

If you are happy for us to do so please click the checkbox below.

You can view our privacy notice for more information.